Bonners Ferry Crop Tour
Houck Farms 5285 Farm to Market Road, Bonners Ferry, IDThe University of Idaho will be having a crop tour in the Bonners Ferry area on June 30 beginning at 10am. The tour includes wheat, barley, and canola variety trials and recommendations, herbicide and disease updates, and a lunch. Call the UI Bonners Ferry Extension office at 208-267-3235 before June 27 to reserve your spot! The…
MSU Summer Field Day – WTARC Conrad
Western Triangle Agricultural Research Center 9546 Old Shelby Rd, Conrad, MTThe Western Triangle Ag Research Center is hosting a field day beginning at 10 a.m. on July 6. The MSU Statewide Spring Canola Variety Trial is one of the stops during the tour, and we will also provide a PNWCA update. More information can be found here.
MSU Summer Field Day – EARC Sidney
Eastern Agricultural Research Center 1501 North Central Avenue, Sidney, MTThe Summer Field Day at the Eastern Ag Research Center will begin at 9 am MT on July 11. More information will be posted here as it becomes available.
Canola Shop Talk – Conrad
MT Ag 706 Vermont Street, Cpnrad, MTMT Ag and PNWCA will be co-hosting a Canola Shop Talk at their facility in Conrad. Join us to ask questions and talk about anything canola - production strategies, marketing, variety selection, harvest, anything goes! Lunch will be provided - please RSVP by July 9 for an accurate meal count. ***note a maximum of 2 people…
Spring Canola tour – Fairfield/Power – 10a.m., pWe are collaborating with Dry Fork Ag and Nuseed for a tour of spring canola between Fairfield and Power. We'll start near Greenfield ( at a Nuseed Omega-3 spring canola variety trial, followed by stops at a couple of nearby commercial production fields of Croplan and BASF on the Fairfield Bench. Lunch will be provided…
Maximize Your Bushels Combine Clinic – Ledger
Judisch FarmNuseed and MT Ag are co-hosting a “Maximize Your Bushels” Combine Clinic and Harvest Strategies at Tyler Judisch's shop near Ledger. Ag MT will explain harvest techniques for straight cut and swathing canola, and also show the entries in their spring canola variety trial. Bushel Plus will talk about harvest loss management and combine settings…
MSU Summer Field Day – NWARC Creston
Northwestern Agricultural Research Center 4570 Montana Hwy 35, Kalispell, MTThe MSU Northwestern Ag Research Center at Creston will be hosting a summer field day beginning at 11:00 a.m. There are winter and spring canola trials that will be part of the tour. Updates will be posted here.
MSU Summer Field Day – Bozeman
Post Agronomy Farm 8431 Huffine Ln, Bozeman, MTMSU Bozeman will hold its summer field day at the Post Farm July 19 beginning at 8 a.m. Details will be posted here as they are finalized.
Quarterly Board of Directors meeting
We will hold our Quarterly Board of Directors meeting via Zoom beginning at 8 am PT/9 am MT. All members are welcome to attend. Email for meeting materials and a zoom link.
Maximize Your Bushels Combine Clinic
Nuseed is hosting two “Maximize Your Bushels” Combine Clinics in Ledger (July 13) and Sidney (July 28). We’re pleased to have Bushel Plus join us this year as we share ways to maximize bushels through optimizing combines and harvest strategies. Growers in attendance will also be entered to win a Bushel Plus SmartPan System and…