MSU Summer Field Day – NWARC Creston
Northwestern Agricultural Research Center 4570 Montana Hwy 35, Kalispell, MTThe MSU Northwestern Ag Research Center at Creston will be hosting a summer field day beginning at 11:00 a.m. There are winter and spring canola trials that will be part of the tour. Updates will be posted here.
MSU Summer Field Day – Bozeman
Post Agronomy Farm 8431 Huffine Ln, Bozeman, MTMSU Bozeman will hold its summer field day at the Post Farm July 19 beginning at 8 a.m. Details will be posted here as they are finalized.
Quarterly Board of Directors meeting
We will hold our Quarterly Board of Directors meeting via Zoom beginning at 8 am PT/9 am MT. All members are welcome to attend. Email for meeting materials and a zoom link.
Maximize Your Bushels Combine Clinic
Nuseed is hosting two “Maximize Your Bushels” Combine Clinics in Ledger (July 13) and Sidney (July 28). We’re pleased to have Bushel Plus join us this year as we share ways to maximize bushels through optimizing combines and harvest strategies. Growers in attendance will also be entered to win a Bushel Plus SmartPan System and…
Fall Crop Insurance Update Meetings
KW Insurance 714 E Frontage Rd, Sunburst, MTKW Insurance is hosting two meetings at their office in Sunburst, Montana on September 14th and 15th at 9 am with 50 slots available per meeting. Breakfast will be provided at 8:30 before the meeting. Sign up for the meeting here:
Fall Crop Insurance Update meeting
KW Insurance 714 E Frontage Rd, Sunburst, MTKW Insurance is hosting two meetings at their office in Sunburst, Montana on September 14th and 15th at 9 am with 50 slots available per meeting. Breakfast will be provided at 8:30 before the meeting. Sign up for the meeting here:
Idaho Oilseed Commission meeting
The ID Oilseed Commission will hold their quarterly meeting on Friday, September 22, 2023 at 9:00 AM (MST)/8:00 AM (PST). This will be a virtual meeting; please email or call the IOC at 208-888-0988 for Zoom link information.
Executive Committee meeting
Our Executive Committee will meet via zoom at noon PT/1:00pm MT
Quarterly Board of Directors meeting
Virtual meetingWe will hold our Quarterly Board of Directors meeting via Zoom beginning at 8:00 am PT/9:00 am MT. All members are welcome to attend. Email for meeting materials and a zoom link.
U.S. Canola Research Conference
America's Center Convention Complex 701 Convention Plaza, St Louis, MOThe U.S. Canola Association Fall Board & Member meeting will be Oct. 29 from 1-5pm CT in St. Louis, MO, followed by the U.S. Canola Research Conference Oct. 30-31. Presenters from the PNW, U.S., and Canada will highlight the latest canola research findings in oral and poster sessions. See the U.S. Canola Association website for…