PNW Canola Publications & Presentations
General Sessions:
- PNWCA Welcome
- Crop & Chemical Rotation: Canola Matters - Ian Clark (Albion, WA), Aaron Esser (WSU), and Jason Scharf (Amity, OR)
- Canola (& Pulse) Market Outlook - Chuck Penner, LeftField Commodity Research
- Canola/Rapeseed Crop Insurance - Nick Gans, USDA-RMA and Cheryl Lasz, Schmidt Insurance Services
- What's Happening with Your Checkoff Dollars?
- Idaho Oilseed Commission funded projects:
- Univ. of Idaho Brassica Breeding & Research - Kamal Khadka, Univ. of Idaho
- Crop Matters Ag Research: 4 projects - Megan & Joe Townsend:
- 10-34-0 Starter Safety on Dryland Spring Canola
- Herbicides on Conventional Dryland Spring Canola
- Zinc and Molybdenum on Dryland Spring Canola
- Specialty Products on Dryland Spring Canola
- Washington Oilseed Commission funded projects:
- Dryland Spring Canola Shatter Tolerance Evaluation - Megan & Joe Townsend, Crop Matters Ag Research
- Aaron Esser, WSU Lincoln/Adams Co Extension - 3 projects:
- Stockosorb®to Improve Winter Canola Stand Establishment and Yield
- Long-Term Rotation Study at Wilke Farm
- Mycorrhizal Application to Enhance Spring Wheat Following Winter Canola
- Expanding Canola Variety Testing in Washington State - Jesse Ford, WSU
- Does Winter Wheat Variety Impact Subsequent Spring Canola Performance? Clark Neely, WSU
- Idaho Oilseed Commission funded projects:
Breakout Sessions:
- Canola Breeding & Variety Selection
- Herbicide & Weed Control Strategies - Mark Thorne, WSU and Jeff Winkler, Madoc Ag
- Drilling Down on Stand Establishment
- Canola Fertility Discussion - Rich Koenig, WSU
- To Spray or Not to Spray: Insect Pest Management - Mark Greene (Asotin, WA) and Tom Gehring (Helena Agri-Enterprises)
- Canola Disease Scouting - Justine Cornelsen, BrettYoung Seeds
Research Posters
- Do Plant Growth Regulators (PGRs) Promote Better Winter Survival in Canola? (IOC funded)- Jim Davis, Kamal Khadka, and Jack Brown (Univ. of Idaho)
- 10-34-0 Starter Safety on 2023 Spring Canola in the Palouse (IOC funded) - Crop Matters Ag Research
- Herbicides on 2023 Conventional Spring Canola in the Idaho Palouse (IOC funded) - Crop Matters Ag Research
- Molybdenum and Zinc on 2023 Spring Canola in the Idaho Palouse (IOC funded) - Crop Matters Ag Research
- Specialty Products on 2023 Spring Canola in the Idaho Palouse (IOC funded) - Crop Matters Ag Research
- Spring Canola Shatter Tolerance Evaluation (WOC funded) - Crop Matters Ag Research
- Does Winter Wheat Variety Impact Subsequent Spring Canola Performance in the Inland Pacific Northwest? (WOC funded) Clark Neely, Isaac Madsen, Brandon Gerrish, Jesse Ford, WSU
- Pea and Canola Intercropping (Peaola) Causes Minor Shifts in the Microbiome (WOC funded) - Janice Parks & Maren Friesen, WSU
- Pronamide Tolerance in Spring Canola and the Following Winter Wheat Crop (WOC funded) Drew Lyon, Mark Thorne, & Henry Wetzel, WSU
- Expanding Canola Variety Testing in Washington State - Jesse Ford, WSU
- Results of the 2023 Pacific Northwest Variety Trials - Univ. of Idaho, OSU, WSU
- The Real Value of Large-Scale Canola Variety Trials - Karen Sowers, PNWCA
- IAMP-Idaho: Innovative Agriculture & Marketing Partnership - Doug Finkelnburg, Univ. of Idaho et al.
- Enterprise Budgets for the Dryland Grain Annual Cropping Region of the Pacific Northwest
Using Conservation Tillage (2021 update) - Enterprise Budgets: Wheat and Canola Rotations in Eastern Washington Intermediate Rainfall Regions 12” to 16” (pdf) & (spreadsheet)
- Enterprise Budgets: Wheat and Canola Rotations in Eastern Washington Low Rainfall Regions 12” and less (pdf) & (spreadsheet)
- Winter Canola Feasibility in Rotation with Winter Wheat (pdf)
- Spring Canola and Chickpea Value in a Cereal Grain Rotation (pdf)
- Winter Canola Planting Date and Variety in Northwest Montana (poster presentation) *** Dec. 2022
- Can Winter Canola Be Grown on Wide Row Spacing?
- Canola Production: Oregon State University Extension (pdf)
- Physiology Matters: Adjusting Wheat-Based Management Strategies for Oilseed Production (pdf)
- Management of Fresh Wheat Residue for Irrigated Winter Canola Production (pdf)
- Irrigated Spring and Winter Canola Production in Washington (pdf)
- Spring Canola Seeding Rates (pdf)
- Oilseed Production Case Studies in the Eastern Washington Low to Intermediate Rainfall Zone (pdf)
- Oilseed Production Case Studies in the Eastern Washington High Rainfall Zone (pdf)
- Canola integration into semi-arid wheat cropping systems of the inland Pacific Northwestern USA (pdf)
- Successful Stand Establishment - Autumn Barnes, former Agronomy Specialist with the Canola Council of Canada
- Cabbage Seedpod Weevil Management in Canola (pdf)
- Flea Beetle: How to Improve Spray Results (Canola Council of Canada)
- First Report of Horned Lark Damage to Pre-emerged Canola Seedlings (pdf)
- Sclerotinia Stem Rot or White Mold of Canola (pdf)
- Pacific Northwest Pest Management Handbooks
- PNW Pest Management Handbook - Agronomic Weed Control in Canola and Rapeseed
- Black Leg FAQs (pdf)
- Black Leg Information Sheet (pdf)
- Spring Canola Nitrogen Rate Calculator (WSU)
- Winter Canola Response to Soil and Fertilizer Nitrogen in Semiarid Mediterranean Conditions (pdf)
- Canola Growth, Development, and Fertility (pdf)
- Soil Nutrient Management Guide for Canola (Montana State University) (pdf)
- Northern Idaho Fertilizer Guide Winter Rapeseed (pdf)
- Northern Idaho Fertilizer Guide Spring Canola (pdf)
- Optimizing Fertilizer Application Timing for Winter Canola in Northern Idaho (pdf)
- Nitrogen Source and Rate to Minimize Damage Caused by Free Ammonia in Canola (pdf)
- OSU Nutrient Management Guide: Irrigated and Dryland Canola (pdf)
- 4R Nitrogen Management When Integrating Canola into Semi-arid Wheat (pdf)
- Improving Nitrogen Use Efficiency for Winter Canola Using 4R Stewardship (pdf)
- Influence of Soil Nitrogen and Water Supply on Canola Nitrogen Use Efficiency (pdf)
- How Much Fertilizer Does Canola Need? (Canola Council of Canada)
- Pollinators in Canola in the Inland Pacific Northwest (pdf)
- Environmental Effects on Nectar and Pollinators in Canola (pdf)
- Exploring Relationships Between Pollinators and Canola (pdf)
- Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Pollinator Protection in Canola Fields (includes input from PNW canola growers and university staff)