2024 KW Insurance Field Day

KW Insurance 714 E Frontage Rd, Sunburst, MT

The KW Insurance annual field day is set for Wednesday June 29th. The event starts with lunch at 11 a.m. at the Sunburst Community Center followed by crop tours. Click…

WSU Wilke Farm Field Day

WSU will host the annual Wilke Farm Field day that includes presentations and tours of small grains, canola, and other research trials. A small plot winter canola variety trial, small…

MSU Summer Field Day -NARC Havre

MSU Northern Ag Research Center 3710 Assinniboine Road, Havre, MT

Join us to learn about the latest field trials and research results at MSU-NARC - forages, cereals, oilseeds, and livestock.  For more information call (406) 265-6115.

Soil Health/Cropping Systems tour

Palouse Conservation District and University of Idaho Extension are collaborating for this half day tour that includes four stops. Lunch is included, please register for an accurate catering count. See…